Principal Investigator: Laura Keefer
Project Staff: Erin Bauer and Mary Richardson
Sponsor: Agricultural Watershed Institute - USEPA Targeted Watershed Program
Project Period: 2005-2009
The ISWS Surface Water Hydrology and Hydraulics section established four streamgaging stations in selected tributaries in Macon and Champaign Counties to monitor streamflow and nutrients for the Agricultural Watershed Institute (AWI). AWI received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to conduct the Upper Sangamon River Targeted Watershed Project (USRTWP) to address behavioral, technical, and economic aspects of nutrient management associated with agricultural crop production. The goal of the USRTWP study was to determine if water quality would improve by reducing nutrient discharges from agricultural areas by incorporating market-based implementation mechanisms. Additional data were acquired from a separate monitoring study conducted by the ISWS in the Sangamon River watershed funded by the City of Decatur.
Selected Related Publications:
Keefer L. L., E. Bauer and M. Markus. 2010. Hydrologic and Nutrient Monitoring of the Lake Decatur Watershed: Final Report 1993-2008. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 2010-07.