Principal Investigators: William P. White, Don Roseboom
Project Staff: Denise Devotta, Tom Hill, Rob Hilsabeck, John Beardsley, Jon Rodsater, Long Duong
Sponsor: United States and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Project Period: September 1992 - July 2006
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program was interested in determining the effectiveness of land management strategies in reducing watershed erosion, sediment transport and sediment delivery to improve water quality and biological diversity in a rural landscape setting. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) selected the Lake Pittsfield watershed to determine how well erosion control practices can reduce the amounts of sediment entering a small rural community water supply lake. The IEPA enlisted the services of the Illinois State Water Survey to study the watershed, monitor delivery of suspended sediments prior to and after implementation of traditional conservation practices and oversee installation and monitoring of innovative instream restoration practices (pool and riffle structures).
Lake sedimentation surveys indicated a reduction in overall sediment deposition after installing traditional conservation practices in 1979, however, surveys also determined that Lake Pittsfield was still filling with sediment. More innovative conservation practices would be required to protect Pittsfield's water supply and maintain productive habitat. Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOB’s) were installed by partnering organizations in the mid 1990s. Sediment yield decreased in some areas of the watershed after installation of WASCOB’s, however, in a large area of the watershed the sediment yield was almost double that of previous years. The increase in sediment yield occurred simultaneously with massive bank erosion in the stream segment downstream of where WASCOB’s were installed. Further channel stabilization and naturalization work was required to counteract the downstream channel erosion. As a solution, pool and riffle structures were constructed within key segments of the channel to stabilize the bed and banks and improve quality instream habitat and aeration of the water. Monitoring after pool and riffle installation indicated that the channel morphology is more stable and that channel erosion and overall sediment transport has been reduced thereby achieving a more desirable physical balance.

Project Documents/Publications
White, W. P., J. Beardsley, D. Devotta, and S. Tomkins, 2008, Lake Pittsfield Section 319 National Monitoring Program Project, NCSU Water Quality Group Newsletter “NWQEP” Project Spotlight., Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
White W. P., J. Beardsley, J. Rodsater, L. Duong, 2003, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield after Best Management Practice Implementation: Annual Data Report, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, Illinois.
White, W. P., J. D. Beardsley, J. A. Rodsater, L. T. Duong, and S. Tomkins, 2005, Remake Lake Pittsfield National Watershed Monitoring Project, DVD and VHS video productions prepared by the Illinois State Water Survey for the Illinois EPA/USEPA Region 5.
Beardsley John, Long Duong, Jon Rodsater, Thomas Hill, 2002, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield After Best Management Practice Implementation, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom D., S. Tomkins, 2002, Reducing sedimentation in Lake Pittsfield, 2001 Governor's Conference on the Management of the Illinois River System: The Illinois River: partnerships for progress, restoration and preservation, Illinois Water Resources Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Roseboom Donald, Tom Hill, Jon Rodsater, John Beardsley, Long Duong, 2001, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield After Best Management Practice Implementation, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Tom Hill, Jon Rodsater, John Beardsley, Long Duong, 2000, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield After Best Management Practice Implementation, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Tom Hill, Jon Rodsater, John Beardsley, Long Duong, 1999, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield After Best Management Practice Implementation, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Tom Hill, Jon Rodsater, John Beardsley, Long Duong, 1998, Evaluation of Sediment Delivery to Lake Pittsfield After Best Management Practice Implementation, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Robert Sinclair, John Beardsley, Thomas Hill, Long Duong, Jon Rodsater, 1997, Effects of Land Management on Lake Pittsfield Sedimentation and Water Quality, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Robert Sinclair, 1996, Effects of Land Management on Lake Pittsfield Sedimentation and Water Quality, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Rosboom D. P., R. Sinclair, Gary Eicken, Pat Woods, 1995, Are Erosion Control Programs Reducing Sedimentation, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois, in Proceedings of 1995 Governor's Conference on the Management of the Illinois River
Roseboom Donald, Raman K. Raman, Robert Sinclair, 1995, Effects of Land Management on Lake Pittsfield Sedimentation and Water Quality, National Watershed Monitoring Project: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom Donald, Raman K. Raman, Robert Sinclair, 1994, Effects of Land Management on Lake Pittsfield Sedimentation and Water Quality: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.
Roseboom D. P., T. Hill, J. D. Beardsley, J. A. Rodsater, L. T. Duong, 1994, Lake Pittsfield National Watershed Monitoring Project, DVD and VHS video productions prepared by the Illinois State Water Survey for the Illinois EPA/USEPA Region 5.
Roseboom Donald, Raman K. Raman, Robert Sinclair, Mike Demissie, Rob Hilsabeck, 1993, Lake Pittsfield Watershed Monitoring Project: Effects of Land Management on Lake Pittsfield Sedimentation and Water Quality: Annual Data Report, Illinois State Water Survey, Peoria, Illinois.

Related Publications:
Implementing Erosion Control Practices and Shoreline Restoration Improved Blue Creek, 2015,United States Environmental Protection Agency Nonpoint Source Success Story.
Lake Pittsfield Shorline Restoration Project: Final Report, 2004, Benton & Associates, prepared for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, Illinois.
Phase II Project Report, Section 314 Clean Lakes Program, Lake Pittsfield, 2002, Goodpaster & Associates, Benton & Associates, Inc., prepared for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, Illinois.
Borah Deva K., Kingsley Allan, 1998, Modeling the Lake Pittsfield watershed using the AGNPS-ARC/INFO model, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
Borah Deva K., 1998, Investigation of the STEWARD Expert system for the Lake Pittsfield Watershed, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
Allgire, Richard L., 1993, Lake Sedimentation Survey of Lake Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Lake Pittsfield, 1989, Benton & Associates, Inc., Hanson Engineers, Inc., prepared for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield, Illinois.
Bogner William C., 1986, Sedimentation Survey of Lake Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., Robert Clarke, 1984, Blue Creek Watershed Project: Executive Summary and Recommendations, IEPA/WPC/84-008, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Lee Ming T., Paul B. Makowski, William P. Fitzpatrick, 1983, Assessment of Erosion, Sedimentation, And Water Quality in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois
Davenport, Thomas E., 1983, Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport Dynamics in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois, IEPA/WPC/83-004, PB84-162783, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1983, Water Resource Data and Preliminary Trend Analysis for the Blue Creek Watershed Project, Pike County, Illinois: Phase III, IEPA/WPC/83-003, PB84-194638, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1982, Water Resource Data and Preliminary Trend Analysis for the Blue Creek Watershed Project, Pike County, Illinois: Phase II, IEPA/WPC/82-008, PB83-119917, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1982, Economic and Physical Impacts on Individual Farm Management Units Under Alternative Management Scenarios in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois, IEPA/WPC/82-005, PB82-253725, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1982, Water Resource Data and Preliminary Trend Analysis for the Blue Creek Watershed Project, Pike County, Illinois: Phase I, IEPA/WPC/82-001, PB82-232778, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., Julie Oehme, 1982, Soil Erosion and Sediment Delivery in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois: Preliminary Analysis, IEPA/WPC/82-002, PB82-231796, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1982, Comparative Evaluation of Gross Erosion Assessment Techniques Used in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois, PB82-207499, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois.
Lee Ming T., 1982, Erosion and Sediment Assessment - A Case Study in Illinois, United States, Proceeding of the International Symposium and Hydrological Research Basins and Their Use in Water Resource Planning, Vol. 3 Swiss Hydrological Service. Berns, Switzerland.
Davenport, Thomas E., 1981, Blue Creek Watershed Project, Pike County, Illinois, PB82-207481, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois, EPA National Library Network
Lee Ming T., 1981, Gross Erosion Assessment in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois
Limnology of Pittsfield City Lake, 1980, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control, Springfield, Illinois
Schertz David L., 1976, Blue Creek Watershed Land Use Classification Using Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques, United states Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Special Mapping Center, Reston Virginia.